Monday, December 3, 2007


Daniela is scheduled for surgery on December 13, 2007 at Georgetown University Hospital. Her medical team informed us that she will have to stay overnight, but if all goes well she should be allowed to come home on December 14.

[If you'd like to know more about her medical team, here are links with information about Georgetown's Lombardi Cancer Center, her surgical oncologist, Dr. Costanza Cocilovo and her oncologist Dr. Minetta Liu.]

We have been extremely fortunate. Dr. Cocilovo has been an incredible source of information and support. She has an exceptional bed-side manner, and is a warm and down-to-earth physician. Dr. Cocilovo shared with us that her father is from Sicily. And with that bit of information, she and Daniela were trading family stories, in Italian. That initial office visit was a good omen. Daniela's smile projected a soothing elegance and a renewed energy. It is hard to describe, and even harder to imagine how this medical encounter...the first of many...instilled a much needed sense of optimism.

Ten days until the surgery.... Daniela and I have been planning, organizing and scheduling for the days ahead with the help of our friends. And here I have to single out two dear friends whose penchant for precision and skill for scheduling has orchestrated a remarkable symphony of support. These two muses and their musicians are diligently working with us to make this journey more bearable. To all of our friends and family, near and far...Thank you.


gabri said...

carissimo ken, forse con questo post inauguro tutta una lunga serie di commenti, e la cosa mi emoziona, volevo darvi un abbraccio grandissimo a entrambi.
Bravo ken, hai avuto una idea bellissima con questo blog proprio xche' dani ha amici in tutto il mondo che hanno bisogno di sue notizie costanti.
Vi penso tantissimo, un bacio e grazie per questo spazio - gabriella (siciliana a milano)

Ricky said...

"Kenito" te felicito yo tambien por la brillante idea del blog con detalles del progreso de nuestra querida Daniela. Nuestros mejores deseos, oraciones, pensamientos estan con ella y todos Vds. durante estos dias dificiles pero llenos de esperanza. Un abrazote de tu primo, Ricky