Friday, March 21, 2008

The Great Chemo Escape...infusion number iv

A few years ago, Daniela introduced me to a new comic book superhero. She handed me a copy of Michael Chabon's novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (2000). "You'll like it," she endorsed. I liked the novel. And, I liked the comic books and comic book anthologies, The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist that followed the novel. The Escapist, in summary, is a master of locks, chains, ropes, knots, ties, fastenings, and fetters of all kinds. He champions the League of the Golden Key--a secret and ancient society dedicated to the principles of liberation and freedom, from oppression and slavery, physical or psychological. Following the Manichean motifs of many comic book story lines, the Escapist is constantly battling the agents of the Iron Chain, a mysterious criminal network machinating and plotting to limit freedom and curtail liberty throughout the globe. But I warn you, don't dismiss the Escapist's escapades. The comic books are replete with nuance, and self-effacingly blur the boundaries between the idealized constructions of both freedom and bondage.

Since the Escapist managed to extricate himself from Chabon's novel, and resides in a new series of comic book anthologies, I thought he may just be able to decamp once more and redeploy his skills in the Chemoscape. We were both astounded as he leapt from the page and became our accomplice in the great chemo escape.

In order to retreat into this recital of rescue and release, dissolve yourself in the slideshow. Or, if your disappearance requires a larger stage, click here, to slip into the super-sized spiel.


Paola said...

Complimenti vivissimi per le foto , Ken ! E' il caso di dire che parlano da sole ! Hai catturato un sorriso di Daniela che è molto eloquente e ti ringrazio per avermi trasmesso la sua vostra gioia... Quando in Italia fino a qualche anno c'era il servizio militare obbligatorio , al termine della cosidetta naja i ragazzi gridavano :"E' finitaaaaa!". Mi sembra di sentire le stesse grida, ma questa volta ci uniamo anche noi! Vi auguro di trascorrere una felice e serena Pasqua e vi abbraccio forte tutti quanti.

Anonymous said... are an artist! Thanks for sharing Daniela's journey and your family's with us. You remain in our thoughts and prayers daily and I hope we can see you soon. Love ya all,

Willow said...

Awesome! You really have a gift...