Tuesday, June 3, 2008

penultimate post...acknowledgements

A host of creatures was responsible for this oncology fairy tale ending. Their calescence and companionship helped us navigate the metastatic labyrinth...and all of its twists and turns: the diagnosis, the prognosis, the abscission decision, the chemo infusions, and the silicone impressions.

I want to acknowledge the following fencibles, fungibles, tangibles, indelibles, and responsibles...

...her Praetorian Guard, for sweeping into action, and planning a campaign of emails, meals, neighborhood walks and more;
...the shoal of chefs, for sustenance during periods of withering appetite;
...the TRS support group sisters, for the serape and its metonymic embrace, a reassuring survivor's caress;
...her parents and her siblings, and my parents and my siblings;
...her zii, tante, and onkels and my tías and tíos;
...her cousins, and my cousins;
...our children;
...our neighbors;
...those who sent care packages and letters;
...a flutter of friends, close-by;
...a flutter of friends, afar;
...our soccer buddies;
...the Bryn Mawr bunch;
...the Princeton anthropology pod;
...the other former Army spouses;
...the surgeons;
...the oncology nurses;
...the oncologist;
...her nausea antagonist-Anzemet;
...the chemo cocktails;
...the blog posters and the lurkers;
...the hats that kept her warm through the hairless winter....
(You can skip the video promenade and enjoy the poses at your own pace by clicking here.)


Paola said...

I nostri ringraziamenti a te, caro Ken, per averci sempre tenuto informato su Daniela; per aver ironizzato il più possibile sull'inteera vicenda;per essere stato un sostegno per Daniela; per averci regalato tante belle immagini della tua ancora più bella moglie. Nel nostro piccolo, abbiamo cercato di tenervi compagnia con i messaggi ed è stata l'unica arma a nostra disposizione, oltre la preghiera, per starvi vicino. Vi aspettiamo a Noto al più presto, per festeggiare insieme e scattare ancora tante altre splendide foto. Un bacio a tutti voi.

Anonymous said...

Dear Cuz,
Thanks for the lovely and heartfelt updates about your beautiful wive's and your family's journey. They always bring tears to my eyes and keep my life in perspective. We love you all tons,

Willow said...

wait a minute, are you done blogging?