Wednesday, March 19, 2008

fiori di fuori...e gocce dell'acqua

Today it rained for most of the afternoon, an even-tempered shower...the kind you can comfortably walk in, but not for too long. I returned home and noticed that the two cherry blossom trees in our front yard had started to flower. The rain was relenting a bit and had resigned itself to intermittent sprinkles. I decided to take a closer look at the droplets deposited on the cherry blossoms.

A day and a half away, another rain awaits...a more toxic and temperamental drip...IV number IV...mimetic finality. Today's water droplets also held an intoxicating quality. However, theirs was more poetic, less poisonous. Swarming around and upon the fragile flowers these rain drops had managed to hold other reflections hostage.

Here are the images in movie format. (If your glances need to be more here to view the images in an enlarged slideshow format with captions.)


Paola said...

Perchè un titolo italiano ? Che bei fiori ! Mi sembra quasi di sentirne il profumo....

(Ken) said...

Perchè non? ;)