Thursday, February 14, 2008


This morning we stumbled upon (approximately) 2,050 cubic inches of affection nestled upon our doorstep...a Valentine bouillabaisse steaming with greeting cards, lollipops, chocolates, CD's, flower bulbs, and more. One of our friends had masterfully brewed this fusion of geography, geometery, and kinship. As we read a few of the cards, my mind meandered in an attempt to trace this greeting card spice route: Hawaii, Arizona, Michigan, Louisiana, North Carolina, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland, California, Washington (State), Maryland, Virgina, and a few more.

I don't know how long this box, and its contents, sat still before they arrived this morning. Harnessing all of that sentiment was a feat indeed. When Daniela opened the box, the avalanche of kinetic energy had quiet an effect, on both of us. The layers of emotional tension gave way, breaching the surface with a mixture of brine and breath.

To all of you who flavored this experience and the ones that plated the dish...Thank You!


Motownrunner said...

Happy Day!!

Paola said...

Happy Valentine's day....e tanti tanti tanti altri giorni felici !

Motownrunner said...

Como esta todo hoy? I need an update. :)

Hola a Paola y gracias por el mensaje que me dejaste en mi blog.

Besos, Margara

Paola said...

Un saluto anche a te motownrunnergirl ! E' stato un piacere scrivere un messaggio sul tuo blog. Auguri anche a te !

Anonymous said...

Two people conversing through somebody's blog.......interesting.

Gabriela (mommy's little girl)

Motownrunner said...

Hola Gabriela!