Thursday, January 10, 2008

Eight Days 'til Chemo...

Today, Gabriela's Girl Scout Troop gave Daniela 616 square inches of moral support. Here is the 22" x 28" card:
Earlier in the day, Daniela spent hours hunting and gathering in the great Swedish labyrinth of IKEA. The purpose of her trip was to search for a small computer desk for the kids...sorry, out of will be in next week. So, she called me while I was at work to inform me about the absent desk. She also told me that she was bringing home a Ficus, which she introduced with much fanfare when I arrived home this evening. The formal introduction to the Ficus included an unexpected waltz...thirty minutes of 3/4 time...Daniela and the Ficus gliding around the living room in search of the perfect arboreal abode. Daniela eventually discontinued her orchestral queries, (Does it look better in this corner? Should I rearrange the living room? Do I need to move the painting?) and the tree quietly settled into its new space in our living room.

Hours later, the kids have gone to bed, and so has Daniela. I stare at the tree, her new dance partner. I recall a Ficus tree we had years ago in graduate school, and how it shed leaves shortly after arriving at our apartment. I thought the tree was dying, but someone told me that Ficus trees shed leaves as a means of adjusting to new surroundings. It makes sense, now. This new Ficus is also a chlorophyll ally. Soon it too will shed its leaves in synchrony...a soothing ecological empathy as Daniela sheds her leaves while wrestling with chemotherapy.

...ficus et amicus...

1 comment:

Paola said...

Che carine queste ragazzine ! Nella loro semplicità e spontaneità dimostrano un affetto incredibile verso Gabri e verso Dani. Che bello essere circondati da tanto affetto !